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Survey & Evaluation


Survey & Evaluation

Survey & Evaluation:  Frank Baker’s Media Literacy Presentation

1. What additional information do you need in order to feel comfortable teaching
media arts/media literacy?

2. Frank Baker has organized a one-day professional development (hands-on) workshop.
Would your school or district be interested in hosting it?

3. Would you, your school, or district pay $25 for you to attend a full day workshop?

4. As a result of today’s presentation, will you:
   – download and read the support document Frank referenced?
   – download the other media arts support documents from SCAAE’s website?
   – begin to incorporate elements of this new standard in your classroom?

5.  Please add any additional comments in the space below.  They will be complied
and shared with both Scot Hockman as well as SCAAE.

Please email your responses to:

Optional:  Your name______________________  Your School_____________________

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