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Videos: Tobacco

Topic/Source Google Teacher Tube Media Ed Found PBS  Discovery YouTube Other
Deadly Persuasion:
The Advertising of
Alcohol & Tobacco
Pack of Lies
Smoking: The Burning Truth (Smoking & Advertising)Talking About Tobacco
(Tobacco & Advertising)What About Tobacco
(Tobacco & Advertising)

Ad-Libbing It (22:03)

120000 Lives a Year (8:59)

How Americans Got Sold on Smoking Cigarettes

Cigarette Ads – Banned in USA (9:58)

Documentary on Tobacco in Indian Movies  (7:23)

Deadly Persuasion: The Advertising of Alcohol & Tobacco (7:18)

Tobacco marketing (2:16)


Redefining Liberation

Smoking Out the Truth: Teens and Tobacco Smoke Screeners

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