Vaccine Persuasion Campaign

This site was prepared for the April 20 webinar, “Pandemic Propaganda,” co-hosted by Renee Hobbs & Frank Baker


Morgan Freeman: The Voice People Can Trust
Watch Morgan Freeman, the voice ‘people trust,’ assure COVID-19 vaccine safety in new PSA | Ad Age

Using Humor &  Nostalgia

Inside the ad industry’s moonshot: Pitching you to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Budweiser Vaccine Awareness Ad (April 7)

AMA Videos and Graphics
Mask Up: Stop the spread of COVID-19 | American Medical Association (

#Stayhome #withme and Control the Contagion: Spreading Facts, Not Fear (Featuring cast of “Contagion”)
(1) #Stayhome #withme and Control the Contagion: Spreading Facts, Not Fear – YouTube

Julia Louis Dreyfus PSA For California
(1) Julia Louis-Dreyfus has honestly never looked better l GMA Digital – YouTube

Neil Diamond: Hands……Washing Hands PSA
(1) Neil Diamond “Hands.. washing hands” – YouTube

Watchmen on Twitter: “Who Washes The Washmen?” / Twitter

Ad Council PSA Campaign “It’s Up To You”
(1) How It Starts :30 | COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council Campaign  “Worship”
(1) Worship :60 | COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council Campaign “Back to Life”
(1) Back to Life | COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “Mask Up”
(1) Mask Up America – Favorite Things | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “Alone Together”
(1) COVID-19: Alone Together PSA (Ad Council) – YouTube

Ad Council “Family Gathering”
(1) Family Gathering :30 | COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative | Ad Council – YouTube

Verizon/Ad Council Partnership
(1) Verizon + Ad Council Partner on COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness – YouTube

Ad Council National Coronavirus PSA
(1) Ad Council: National Coronavirus PSA – YouTube

Ad Council 15 second Spanish PSA
Protégete a Ti Mismo :15 | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

For The Love Of: Ad Council/ NY Governor’s Office/ Mask Up
(1) For the Love Of | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “Protect Yourself”
(1) For the Love Of | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council: “It’s Your Shift”
(1) It’s Your Shift | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “Show Some Love”
(1) Show Some Love | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “Famous Last Words”
(1) Famous Last Words | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council  “You Will See Me”
(1) You Will See Me – Anthem :60 | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council/MLB  “Mask Up America”
(1) Mask Up America – MLB | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

Ad Council “You Have My Respect”
(1) You Have My Respect | Coronavirus Response | Ad Council – YouTube

PSA Plan Your Vaccine
Ready – PSA | Plan Your Vaccine (

PSA “Our Best Shot”  Alliance for Aging Research
Our Best Shot – Vaccine PSA – Alliance for Aging Research

Former Presidents “It’s Up To You PSA
Former Presidents and First Ladies ‘It’s Up To You’ :60 | Ad Council and COVID Collaborative – YouTube

US Military PSAs
COVID-19 Vaccine Info (

Press Release
New COVID-19 PSA Music Video Hits a Chord (

WHO teams up with Minions and Gru to show how people can stay safe from COVID-19

Elton John/Michael Caine in NHS Video

It’s Up To You Encourages Hesitant


South Carolina





vintage PSAs are redesigned to help spread the word on coronavirus safety (

UK campaign Act Like You’ve Got IT

Lagos Nigeria

Los Angeles Billboard

New Zealand



CDC                                                                     Massachusetts                                                                                                  UK

Los Angeles Public Health                              Nevada                                                               Rotary Malaysia
