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Summer 2021 Media Literacy Course (University of Washington)


UW Announces A New Virtual Summer Course:

Media Literacy: Integrating 21st Century Life Skills Across the Curriculum

(Enroll for 10 clock hours or 1 graduate credit)

Course description:
Teaching students to apply critical thinking skills to the media they regularly consume and produce must be considered an essential part of a 21st century education. Join Frank W. Baker, internationally known media literacy educator, for this special summer course offering.  Course participants will learn strategies for incorporating media literacy into every subject and discipline addressed in K-12 classrooms.

The course is not to be missed. Content to be addressed includes:  social media & media literacy; fake news; social justice and media literacy; visual literacy; media production and more.

Course instructor:
Frank W. Baker is the author of four books, including “Close Reading The Media” and several articles focused on media literacy education. He’s also known for his Media Literacy Clearinghouse, a resource for educators.  In addition to his publications, he has served on numerous advisory committees including the National Council of Teachers of English 2020 Task Force on Critical Media Literacy.  He frequently presents at workshops, conferences and in schools all across the country.

This 1-credit remote learning course designed for K-12 educators will meet for one hour each Wednesday from:
June 23rd through August 18th, 9:40-10:40 am.

Enroll for 10 clock hours ($180.00) by going to:

Or for 1 credit, EDC&I  495, CR/NC , schedule line number #14531,

 ($148 which includes the $80.00 UW registration fee+ $68.00 additional UW fees and a tuition waiver).

To apply for the tuition waiver, follow these steps:

  1. Submit the online Non-Matriculated Application for tuition exemption along with the $80 non-refundable fee.

  2. Submit the WA State Employee Tuition Exemption Request form to the Registrar two weeks before the start of summer quarter (i.e. June 7th).

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