Recent Trends: iPod / Podcasts

NOTE: Articles listed below are in reverse chronological order; most recent are last

links to various resources;
Making room on the Ipod for schoolwork
Podcasting  defined in: 
Business Week
10/25/04; Time magazine 12/13/04;
Do you know what podcasting is? ;
Computer, Microphone, iPod Make Broadcasting Personal;
Glossary of Podcasting terms;
Podcasting News
Podcasting craze comes to K12 schools (Ed Week)
Podcasting: Transforming Middle Schoolers Into ‘Middle Scholars’
Students and Teachers, From K to 12, Hit the Podcasts
Music teacher adds podcasting to curriculum
In iPod We Trust (THE Journal)
Podcasting 101 — How Educators Can Use This New Technology
iPod is teaching tool
iPod Students
Podcasts make history come alive
Creating a Broadcasting Empire … From the Corner of Your Classroom!
‘Grammar Girl’ podcasts a quick and dirty success
Companies mine growth of MP3 homework
Podcasting the 1600s
Your guide to podcasts
10 Podcasts for Teachers and Kids
iTunes: new study tool
Reading, writing and podcasting
Podasting @ School
Lesson Plan: Audio Broadcasts and Podcasts:
Oral Storytelling and Dramatization
iPods and Cellphones
In Some Schools, iPods Are Teaching Tools
Texas teachers use iPods to help students learn
Creating podcasts
Introduction to podcasting