The National Media Literacy Conference, September 22-24, 1995

The National Media Literacy Conference, September 22-24, 1995
Appalachian State University, Boone North Carolina

Sponsored by the National Telemedia Council; Visual Information Education Workshops-Linking Literacy to School Reform
Co-sponsored by the Reich College of Education (ASU), Dept of Curriculum & Instruction (ASU), Dept of Language, Reading and Exceptionalities (ASU)

Special thanks to the University of South Carolina Moving Image Research Collections for their assistance in digitizing these videos.

Media Literacy & Liberty: The Role of Creating Health Citizens (Connections, ASU, Spring 2005)
The Media and the Message: How Librarians Can Bring Them into Focus (School Library Journal, January 1994)
Are We There Yet?  (Educational Technology, July/August 1995)
See the original Conference Promotional Flyer/Brochure here
Review of the program by Marieli Rowe (National Telemedia Council)

Friday September 22


Saturday September 23


Sunday September 24