McREL: Advertising

Language Arts


Standard 9
Uses viewing skills and strategies to understand and interpret visual media

Level   II   Grade :   3-5

7. Understands basic elements of advertising in visual media (e.g., sales approaches and techniques aimed at children, appealing elements used in memorable commercials, possible reasons for the choice of specific visual images)
Level   III   Grade :   6-8

4. Understands the use of stereotypes and biases in visual media (e.g., distorted representations of society; imagery and stereotyping in advertising; elements of stereotypes such as physical characteristics, manner of speech, beliefs and attitudes)
8. Knows that people with special interests and expectations are the target audience for particular messages or products in visual media; and knows that design, language, and content reflect this (e.g., in advertising and sales techniques aimed specifically towards teenagers; in products aimed towards different classes, races, ages, genders; in the appeal of popular television shows and films for particular audiences)
Level   IV   Grade :   9-12

10. Understands a variety of techniques used in advertising (e.g., portrayals of happy families and exotic places; celebrity endorsement; use of humor; emphasis on value and reliability; sex appeal; science and statistics; appeal to fears and insecurities)


Standard 10
Understands the characteristics and components of the media

Level   II   Grade :   3-5

1. Knows the main formats and characteristics of familiar media (e.g., the format of quiz shows on television: host/hostess, contestants, competition for prizes of commercial value; types of advertising such as billboards, T-shirts, or commercials; characteristics of films and magazines)
Level   III   Grade :   6-8

4. Understands various elements that recur across media (e.g., common features found in print and broadcast advertising; the layout of magazines and newspapers, including headlines, photographs, regular columns, feature articles, and editorials)
7. Understands influences on the construction of media messages and images (e.g., the historical period or place in which they were made; laws that govern mass media, such as truth in advertising; the socio-cultural background of the target audience; financial factors such as sponsorship; cause-and-effect relationships between mass media coverage and public opinion trends)
Level   IV   Grade :   9-12

6. Understands the influence of different factors (e.g., media owners, sponsors of specific programs, codes governing advertising aimed at children, copyright laws) on media production, distribution, and advertising (e.g., whether a program is scheduled late at night or at peak times, whether a film is released in theaters or only on video)
7. Understand different aspects of advertising in media (e.g., advertising intertwined with media content, such as advertising copy presented in the form of news stories or the close association of feature articles with surrounding advertisements; the influence of advertising on virtually every aspect of the media, such as the structure of newspapers; advertisers as a pressure group; sponsorship as a form of advertising; ambience in media that is sympathetic to advertising, such as lifestyles portrayed on television)

What are the Basic Values and Principals of American Democracy

Standard 8
Understands the central ideas of American constitutional government and how this form of government has shaped the character of American society

Level   III   Grade :   6-8

5. Knows opposing positions on current issues involving constitutional protection of individual rights such as limits on speech (e.g., “hate speech,” advertising), separation of church and state (e.g., school vouchers, prayer in public schools), cruel and unusual punishment (e.g., death penalty), search and seizure (e.g., warrantless searches), and privacy (e.g., national identification cards, wiretapping)

Standard 4
Understands basic features of market structures and exchanges

Level   III   Grade :   6-8

1. Understands that not all competition is on the basis of price for identical products and that non-price competition includes style and quality differences, advertising, customer services, and credit policies

Standard 2
Knows environmental and external factors that affect individual and community health

Level   III   Grade :   6-8

2. Understands how various messages from the media, technology, and other sources impact health practices (e.g., health fads, advertising, misconceptions about treatment and prevention options)
Standard 6
Understands essential concepts about nutrition and diet

Level   II   Grade :   3-5

3. Knows factors that influence food choices (e.g., activity level, peers, culture, religion, advertising, time, age, health, money/economics, convenience, environment, status, personal experience)
Standard 9
Understands aspects of substance use and abuse

Level   II   Grade :   3-5

2. Knows influences that promote alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use (e.g., peer pressure, peer and adult modeling, advertising, overall availability, cost)
Level   III   Grade :   6-8

4. Knows public policy approaches to substance abuse control and prevention (e.g., pricing and taxation, warning labels, regulation of advertising, restriction of alcohol consumption at sporting events)