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Holocaust Strategies



Strategy: Cause/Event/Effect Statements

This strategy helps students analyze evidence surrounding an event.

  • Place an event statement in the center of a page.
  • Jot notes above the statement on what caused or led up to that event.
  • Jot notes below the statement on the effect/what happened as a result of that event.

For example:

Causes: jot notes providing causes/ what led up to the bombing of Pearl Harbor

Event Statement: Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Effects: jot notes providing what happened as a result of the bombing of Pearl Harbor


Strategy: Go To Your Corner

This strategy allows students to look at more than one option in answering a question or more than one example of an element of writing.

  • A question, quote, word, illustration, piece of work, etc. is placed in each corner of the room.
  • A question is given to students. (For ex., which word best describes the main character? Which quote best fits the theme of this story/unit?)
  • Students walk around the room, choose one answer, and stay in that corner.
  • Students in each corner discuss why they have chosen the representation in that corner and provide a summary statement to the class on their choice.


Strategy: I Notice – Looking at Illustrations

This strategy encourages students to slow down, make critical observations, and learn to make jot notes.

  • Provide students with a photo or illustration.
  • Ask:
    • What do you notice, what appears to be happening here?
    • What techniques has the artist/photographer used to invoke meaning?
    • What reactions do you have when looking at this photo/illustration?
    • What questions do you have about this photo/illustration?



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