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Film Analysis Cards



Lighting. What time of day it is? What are the clues? What effect does lighting have? Use two or three adjectives to describe the lighting. Sound Effects. Close your eyes. You are only to listen to the scene, after which you will be asked to make a list of everything you heard, and then share.
Music. Describe the music at the beginning, middle, and end of the scene. What happens and why? How does the music contribute to the mood or feel? Is the music effective? Camera: Movement. Document when the director/cinematographer uses a pan (left or right move), a tile (up or down move), or a crane shot (high above). What is the purpose of these actions?
Editing. Most of us never notice editing, but it is important. Count the number of edits in this scene. What impact does editing have? Camera: Lens. Document when the director/cinematographer uses zooms (in or out). Why are these shots used when they are?
Mood. What mood does this scene put you in? How do you feel? Why do you feel this way? What has the director done to push your emotional buttons? (be specific) Non-Verbal Language: Actor Expressions. Notice the expressions on the faces of each of the actors. Watch for any changes. Be prepared to discuss their expressions and what they might mean.
Scenery. Make specific notes about what you see. For example, where is the setting? What are the clues? What does the director allow you to see? Is the scene believable or not? Clothes. What are the characters wearing? How do their clothes communicate what might be happening to them? How might their clothes be related to the plot or action?
Color. What colors do you see? Where is color used or not used? Why do you think a specific color was used? How does it make you feel? Camera: Position. Document when the director/cinematographer uses a wide shot, a medium shot, and a close-up.
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