Advertising: Books

Advertising Books: a list of recommendations

Adcult USA The Triumph of Advertising in American Culture
James B. Twitchell, Columbia University Press

Advertising & The Business of Brands: An Introduction to Careers & Concepts in
Advertising & Marketing 
Copy Workshop;  ISBN: 1887229051

Advertising in America, An Introduction to Persuasive Communication, Stanley M Ulanoff,
Hastings House Publishers

Advertising: The Uneasy Persuasion – Its Dubious Impact on American Society
Michael Schudson, Basic Books

Ad Worlds Brands Media Audiences
Greg Myers    Arnold Publishers

Age of Propaganda- The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion
Anthony Pratkanis, Elliot Aronson (Revised Edition)

All American Ads of the 20s; 30s; 40s; 50s; 60s
Taschen Publishers

Are They Selling Her Lips? Advertising & Identity
Carol Moog, Morrow Publishers, ISBN: 0-688-08704-3

Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus   Blacks In Advertising, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Marilyn Kern Foxworth,  Praeger, ISBN 0-275-95184-7

Big Fat Lies: Advertising Tricks
Crabtree Publishing Co., ISBN 10-7787-3931-7

Breaking Up America, Advertisers & The New Media World, Joseph Turow

Captains of Consciousness, Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Stuart Ewen, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-019846-2

Caution! This May Be An Advertisement- A Teen Guide to Advertising,
Kathlyn Gay, (1992) Watts Books, ISBN 0-531-11039-7

“It’s always a pleasure to read one of Kathlyn Gay’s books. Consistently well-researched, carefully documented, and truly interesting, they’re the sort of books you find yourself wanting to real aloud to someone…packed with ‘Hey, listen to this’ information. Her foray into the multibillion-dollar world of advertising is no exception….A valuable addition to any collection and a great title to suggest to students who need topics for informational speeches or reports.”–Booklist (American Library Association).

The Codes of Advertising- Fetishim and the Political Economy of Making Meaning in the Consumer Society,
Sut Jhally, Routledge

Controversies in Contemporary Advertising, Kim Bartell Sheehan, SAGE, ISBN: 0761926356

Culture and the Ad- Exploring Otherness in the World of Advertising
William M. O’Barr, Westview Press

David Ogilvy: Confessions of an Advertising Man
Atheneum Books

Deadly Persuasion:Why Women and Girls Must Fight the Addictive Power of Advertising, (hardback) Jean Kilbourne,
The Free Press Read Chapter One (also published in paperback as Can’t Buy My Love)

Decoding Advertisments-Ideology and Meaning In Advertising
Judith Williamson, Marion Boyars Publishing Ltd. (Review and analysis)

The Design of Advertising  Roy Paul Nelson, Wm.C Brown Co, ISBN 0-697-04367-3

Endless Propaganda-The Advertising of Public Goods
Paul Rutherford, University of Toronto Press

Floyd Clymer’s Historical Scrapbook Early Advertising
Bonanza Books (1955)

The Great American Blowup-Puffery in Advertising and Selling
Ivan. L. Preston, Univ of Wisconsin Press

Harvesting Minds- How TV Commercials Control Kids
Roy F. Fox, Praeger Publishers.

The Language of Advertising, Torben Vestergaard and Kim Schroder, Basil Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 0-631-12743-7

Mad Ave: A Century of Award Winning Advertising, Universe Publishing, ISBN 0-7893-0369-8

Made You Look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know, Annick Press, ISBN 1-55037-814-7

The Mechanical Bride, Marshall McLuhan, Beacon Press (1951) Original NY Times ReviewDetails of the reprint

Media Wizards, A Behind-The- Scenes Look at Media Manipulations, Catherine Gourley, Twenty First Century Books, (1999), ISBN 0-7613-0967-5

Mighty Minutes  An Illustrated History of Television’s Best Commercials, Jim Hall
Harmony Books,  ISBN 0-517-55318-X

The Mirror Makers A History of American Advertising   Stephen Fox, Heinneman

Ogilvy on Advertising, David Ogilvy, Crown Publishers

Packaging The Presidency, A History and Criticism of Presidential Campaign Advertising (3rd Ed)
Kathleen Hall Jamison, Oxford Publishers

Popular Writing In America  The Interaction of Style and Audience
Donald McQuade, Robert Atwan      Oxford University Press

Provocateur  Images of Women and Minorities In Advertising
Anthony J. Cortese   Rowman & Littlefield

Reading Ads Socially,  Robert Goldman, Routledge Publishers, ISBN 0-415-05400-1

The School on Madison Avenue    Anne E Weiss, Dutton (1980)  ISBN 0-525-38823-0

Social Communication in Advertising- Persons Products & Images of Well-Being
William Leiss, Stephen Kline, Sut Jhally,  Methuen Publications

The Sponsor- Notes on a Modern Potentate
Erick Barnouw,  Oxford University Press

The Sponsored Life- Ads, TV, and American Culture
Leslie Savan, Temple University Press

The Spot  The Rise of Political Advertising on Television, Edwin Diamond & Stephen Bates,  MIT Press

The Super Bowl of Advertising: How the Commercials Won the Game
Bernice Kanner,  Bloomberg Press,  ISBN: 1576601315

They Laughed When I Sat Down, An Informal History of Advertising in Words and Pictures,
Frank Rowsome, Jr. McGraw-Hill,  (1959)

Top Sellers USA, Molly Wade McGrath, William Morrow & Co.

Twenty Ads That Shook The World-The Century’s Most Groundbreaking Advertising and How It Changed Us All,
James. B. Twitchell, Crown Publishers

Undressing The Ad- Reading Culture in Advertising
Edited by Katherine Toland Frith, Peter Lang Publishing

The 100 Best TV Commercials…and Why They Worked
Bernice Kanner, Times Business, Random House

Visual Persuasion  The Role of Images in Advertising
Paul Messaris ,  Sage

Wise Up To Teens: Insights Into Marketing and Advertising to Teenagers, 2nd ed.
Peter Zollo, ISBN 1-885070-20-9; May 1999  web site

Wonderful World of American Advertising- 1865-1900
Leonard De Vries, Ilonka Van Amstel,  Follett Publishing Company (1972)