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Related Math Media Lesson Plans Links


Related Math Media Lesson Plans Links


Topic #1
TV Program Ratings
What is a rating/share?

Math Activity One

One Week’s Ratings  
Math Activity Two   Syndicated Programming
Sample Ratings Page


What Do Ratings Represent
Math Activity Three 30 Sec. Ad Costs
Math Activities 4 & 5

Accuracy & Ratings
Market Sizes
Math Activity Six
Articles About Ratings
Related Media Math Lesson Plans  









wpe2.jpg (3977 bytes)Math In The Media


Advertising & Marketing (Math In The Middle Teacher Guide)
Batting Averages and More (PBS Mathline)

Box Office Finish, A Question of Methodology (NY Times)

Bursting The Bubble (PBS Media Matters)

By The Numbers: Math Connections in Newspapers for MS (NAA)

Census Lesson Plan (PBS NewsHour)

Cinema & Maths (pdf booklet from UK’s Film Education)

Don’t Buy It (PBS):  Two math activities:
 1) Graphing Data for Nutritional Comparisons  2) Using Statistics to Sell Cat Food

Estimation and Your TV Diet (pdf document)

ESPN Sports Figures Lesson Plans

Fantasy Baseball (Number & Number Relations) Middle School Math Project, PBS TeacherSource

Having Fun with Baseball Statistics
How Many Commercials Within Each TV Show?
How Stocks  & The Stock Market Work from How Stuff Works
Is it really news? (PBS Mathline)
Lesson Plan: Play the (Stock) Market

Math at the movies (PBS)
Math Challenge: TV Ratings

Mathematics In Movies (contains movie clips)
Math in Television Art Direction (The Futures Channel)

Math In The Media
Math In The Movies

Math in the Movies

Math In The News (Education World)

Media Literacy: Numbers In The News (Big Chalk)
Media Math Concepts
Politics & The Media (examination of 30-second campaign ads)
Sports Photography & Math (The Futures Channel)

Stats In The Media

Video & Cinematography  (Math In The Middle Teacher Guide)

World’s Largest Math Event ("Entertaining Mathematics")

Site updated on:  08/04/2012

Jump to another part of this lesson:

IntroductionWhat is a rating/share?Math Activity One..One Week’s RatingsMath Activity TwoSyndicated ProgrammingSample Ratings PageSweepsWhat Do Ratings Represent?Math Activity Three.30 Sec. Ad CostsMath Activities 4 & 5 Accuracy & RatingsMarket Sizes.Math Activity Six..Math Articles..Related Media Math Lesson Plans

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