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Is Seeing Believing

Is Seeing Believing: News / Newspapers


Examples from Newspapers
See accompanying story: Lying with pictures

 “Cheap fakes” and Election 2024

Israeli Newspaper Edits Hillary Clinton from Image

Obama_and_Biden_await_updates_on_bin_Laden.jpg (4096×2731)
Original photo
edited photo                               Altered photo

A QUESTION OF TRUTH: Photojournalism And Visual Ethics

Miami Spanish-language newspaper admits altering photos

Egyptian paper doctors photo of Mubarak and Obama (Source: Yahoo)

north korea marine landing photoshop
This picture released by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency on March 26, 2013 and taken on March 25, 2013 shows the landing and anti-landing drills of KPA Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597 at an undisclosed location on North Korea’s east coast. (AFP PHOTO / KCNA VIA KNS)


The Telegraph pointed out that “at least half the boats were throwing up the same spray of water and the weather was suspiciously mild compared with other images from the exercises.”AFP has since pulled the photo, “due to evidence of tampering,” according to the Atlantic.  (Source)


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi organized a photo op on Thursday with female Democratic lawmakers on the Capitol steps

Nancy Pelosi defends doctored photo of women in the new Congress, Friday, Jan 4. 2013

As part of the festivities marking the first day of the 113th Congress, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi organized a photo op on Thursday with female Democratic lawmakers on the Capitol steps to mark the historic number of women in the new Congress.

Temperatures that morning were below freezing, and after several minutes of waiting atop the frigid marble for latecomers, Pelosi had the official picture taken without four members. But when her office released the photo, all the women in the party appeared. A Pelosi spokesman attached a message to the picture, noting it had been altered to add lawmakers who arrived late.




South African newspaper ‘regrets’ printing doctored photograph from Kabul suicide attack Blurring the line between fact and fictionOriginal photo below


Egyptian paper doctors Mubarak photo
Note: they also reversed the image of Mubarak: the direction his tie is faced as well as the exposed shirt sleeve are clues in the reversal.
Egypt paper doctors photo of world leaders


        BP photoshop
Original                                                                          Altered
BP caught using altered image of command centerBP reportedly alters another photo
also found here
Reuters Admits Cropping Photos of Ship Clash,
Denies Political Motive
  June 8, 2010


  June 17, 2009

What do you do if your pro-government rallies aren’t big enough?Turn to Photoshop.Copy a section of the photo, and fill in the empty spots with more people.That’s what it looks like happened at a pro-Ahmadinejad rally.

A photo is making the rounds in the blogosphere and Twitter. It looks like it was first exposed on the website of an Iranian photographer, Mohammad Kheirkhah. He’s worked for several Iranian, British, and US news organizations. But he didn’t take the photo.


Iran missile launch

A combo of pictures created on July 10, 2008, shows (L) a handout image released by Iranian daily Jamejam online edition on July 10, 2008, showing three missiles rising into the air while a fourth remains in the launcher on the ground during a test-firing in an undisclosed location in the Iranian desert on July 9, 2008, and (R) the same image released by the news website and public relations arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Sepah News, on July 9, 2008, apparently digitally altered to replace the grounded missile and launcher with a fourth successfully launched missile rising into the air and a smoke cloud on the ground.


Source:  AOL
Fox News has sunk to a new low. On Wednesday July 2, 2008, the network displayed photos that its editors had doctored of two New York Timesemployees–reporter Jacques Steinberg, and editor Steven Radcliffe. Media Matters has graciously provided us with the before-and-after evidence showing that Fox purposefully yellowed Steinberg’s teeth, widened his nose and chin, and photo-shopped his ears stick out further.


In Ohio, A News Photograph Is Digitally AlteredFull story hereCloser look here


News 14 Carolina | Editor’s Desk
(Source: 1/8/07)


The News & Observer says it should have told readers that a photo of embattled North Carolina Speaker of the House Jim Black wearing an IHOP apron was altered. UNC journalism prof Lois Boyton says: “I didn’t particularly have a clue that this was, in any way, a manipulated photo. …This really is an error and I think they did a good job of correcting that error. No doubt, there will be discussions in the newsroom to make sure that type of thing doesn’t happen again.”


published photo

Photo before alterations

Original photo
Altered Photo
See original story with USA apology



Canadian Media Hoaxed By ‘Tsunami’ Photo

By Mark Fitzgerald

Published: January 03, 2005

CHICAGO It was easily the most dramatic photo of the many to emerge from the Indian Ocean tsunami, and the Calgary (Alb.) Herald gave it the kind of front-page play it deserved. The image dominates the page in the same way the massive, cresting wall of water appears poised to overwhelm the people scurrying in the path beneath it.

But almost immediately questions arose. For one thing, it looked nothing like any other images of the tsunami replayed constantly by the global media. One man appears in the photograph appears to be laughing. “Something wrong here,” read the heading when it was e-mailed to E&P.

The Herald credit line on Dec. 30 read, “Photo courtesy of Dr. Joseph Edison,” referring to the executive director of the Calgary-headquartered World Food and Job Bank. But in the age of ubiquitous tourist cameras, the fact that it was not circulated by a news organization would not necessarily raise any red flags.

As it turned out, though, the image Edison provided did not come from the tsunami. Instead, it shows a huge wave that resulted from a tidal surge in the Qiantangjiang River in China. The photo dates back to September 2002.

In a front-page item headlined “Apology” that ran the next day, Dec. 31, the Herald acknowledged the photo was not of a tsunami wave. “The media were incorrectly told this photo, along with others provided by the Calgary-based World Job and Food Bank, was from the recent tsunami disaster in south Asia,” the Herald story read in part.

“Several media outlets, including the Calgary Herald, Global news and CFCN TV used the photos,” the story added.

Herald Photo Editor Peter Brosseau declined to comment to E&P about the photo, directing a reporter to the Web account. Edison could not be reached immediately.



Daily Mirror picture Daily Mirror Admits Photos Were Manipulated (May 2004)

Newspaper apologizes
for altered photo
July 2003


Altered Photo

LA Times Admits Its War Photographer
Altered Image
Read full story here

Digital Deception 

How damaging is the threat of manipulating photos to the credibility of photojournalism?

See other Images of War

New York Post changes UN delegate’s heads into animals

CBS emblem
December 2000: In this single frame of a live video broadcast, the CBS emblem was digitally inserted during the New Year’s Eve broadcast to conceal the NBC emblem on display in the background. The technology used is the same as what’s been widely employed during the broadcast of sporting events to display advertisements on billboards.Credit: Hany Farid, Dartmouth College

Source: CNet

In 1994, shortly before the much-anticipated women’s figure skating competition at the Olympics, New York NEWSDAY published on its cover a photo composite. The image showed ice skating rivals Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding — at the time embroiled in controversy following an attack on Kerrigan by an associate of Harding’s husband — appearing to practice together. On the bottom of the image, the headline read, “Tonya, Nancy to meet at practice.” The caption — in smaller type — read: “Tonya Harding, left, and Nancy Kerrigan, appear to skate together in this New York Newsday composite illustration. Tomorrow, they’ll really take to the ice together.”

Read “What’s Fair In Changing Photos?” by Mitchell Stephens

NOT SO FAST: A good example of ‘Don’t believe everything you read’ is President Truman holding up the Chicago Daily Tribune for Nov. 3, 1948. An inexperienced staff had called the election too soon. The edition was recalled – without total success.
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