2018 Photos of The Year

2018 Photos of the Year
In my media literacy workshops,  I always include a photograph from the news/current events to engage teachers/students in “critical viewing” skills.
I invite you to consider using any one of the organizations listed below (which released their best photos from the year) to engage your students in visual literacy.
Click on any of the links below to go to that organizations photos. Advice to help students “close read” images here.   (Organizations are listed below by the release date of
their photo selection publication.)

Associated Press


Atlantic Magazine

Cable News Network

Washington Post


Times of NW Indiana

TIME Magazine

PA Images

Fox News

Radio Free Europe
Radio Liberty

Wall St Journal

Roll Call
The New Yorker BuzzFeed News

New York Times

United Press International

NBC News
Financial Times
Black Press Media

The Evening Standard

Yahoo News (UK)

Agence France-Presse The Straits Times Yahoo News

Radio New Zealand

ABC News

Mail & Guardian The Guardian Metro (UK)

The Detroit News

The Week (UK)

Pulitzer Center Bangkok Post EuroNews

The Telegraph

Sydney Morning Herald
Voice of America
Russia Today


BBC News

Global Press Journal Xinhua Net USA TODAY