2008: January-February


Big Tobacco's Guinea Pigs
click above to read or download the report

12-13  I just spent a most enjoyable day and a half in Memphis TN at the invitation of Grace St. Luke’s Episcopal School.  I spoke to parents about the role of media in the lives of young people.  I conducted workshops for middle school students and elementary students, and ended the day with a media literacy presentation for the faculty.

5  I invite all to join me at 4pm ET when I will host an hour-long webinar on media literacy for the National Council of Teachers of English. If you were not able to participate LIVE but still want to view the archived presentation, you still need to register (it’s free) and NCTE will send you instructions. For those who wish to download the Powerpoint, Reading The Media, go here.

4  More than 6000 hits to the “Using Super Bowl Ads In The Classroom” web page since it’s announcement about a week ago— I hope all that used the resource found it valuable.  Thanks also to those who linked to it.

Cable in the Classroom Magazine - February 2008 Read my Media Smart Tips column “That’s News To Me” from the February issue of Cable In The Classroom magazine
KQ 36_3 Print Cover Knowledge Quest (ALA) Jan/Feb 2008
Visual Literacy


30 NCTE Media Literacy Award-call for entries

24 Shouting to be Heard (2): Public Service Advertising in a Changing Television World, study released by the Kaiser Family Foundation

22 Did you watch Frontline (PBS) Growing Up Online? I was left with the impression that the school administrators portrayed in the early part of the documentary were totally ignorant when it comes to handling their student’s plagiarism and cheating. I also felt that their interviews might leave some in the audience feeling that all school administrator’s feel the same way, when that is obviously not the case. Otherwise, I think the producers did a good job of getting parent and youth points-of-view in dealing with new media and technology. (PBSoverview of the program; FreePress TV review)

17 Teens Find Online News Stressful (Study); link to full report

8  The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is the venue for the release of new products and new research:

Kids’-Media Study Released at Sandbox Summit
Deloitte Poll Finds Online Content Creation Rising

2 New study rethinks online copyright ( “Recut, Reframe, Recycle: Quoting Copryighted Material in User-Generated Video” )  news story, link to press release; study

UK report Moving Literacy On released
The Executive Summary of the report ‘Moving Literacy On’ can be downloaded here. The full report, which includes details about how LAs developed their projects and offers guidance for LAs on implementing this kind of work, can be purchased by contacting the UKLA office, details here.

Lights! Camera! Collective Action!

January 2008 cover story of IN THESE TIMES examines the current writer’s strike affecting television production