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What's New

2006: January-February


19 Who makes the news?
(International study says not many women)

14 Study: Sunday political talk shows are leaning more to the right

9 New Study Finds Vast Gender Imbalance In Top-Grossing G-Rated Movies
(USA Today; Boston Globe;
; study)

7 Study supports limits on TV time for children (UTexas Press Release); study abstract

3 release of GenWorld Study: The new generation of global youth

New Exam Aims to Measure
‘Tech Literacy’

30  New studies on multitasking and
Internet vs. TV time (see Media Use)

26 added list of recommended videos under BODY IMAGE

23 New TV Network formed by

18 Food makers sued over
junk food marketing

State of the News Media 2005

Fifth USC Study of the Internet by the Digital Future Project

6 added list of recommended books about media bias on the BIAS page

5 Media forced to explain inaccurate reports on mining tragedy (USA Today; Poynter Institute)

2 Study Links Advertising, Youth Drinking

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