2004: December

Editorial Cartoons: The Impact and Issues of an Evolving Craft
In their December 2004 issue, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism
published a series of articles looking at political cartooning and its
position in journalism today.
Looking for latino regulars on prime time TV (2004 report)
31 added recommended periodicals to several categories
30 What do Americans Do On The Internet? Study/News Story
28 added Diet ads category in Advertising 2
26 UNESCO’s Children, Youth & Media, newsletter
21 AFI selects 2004 “Moments of Significance”
20 Posted: New & Emerging Trends in the use of media in instruction
16 PTC Study: “Faith In Box”  News story; link to full study
 9-11  see video excerpts from “Scholarship in the Digital Age” Summit
6 Study examines impact kids exposure to violent ads during televised sports events
1  NBC’s Brokaw retires as anchor of NBC Nightly News