State Standards: Michigan

Michigan Department of Education

Language Arts

(updated 01/08)

Content Standard 3
All students will focus on meaning and communication as they listen, speak, view, read, and write in personal, social, occupational, and civic contexts.

Eng Lang Proficiency Standards

L.3.2.d Identify some supporting details from a variety of media messages

L.3.3.a Identify main  ideas and fact versus fiction in broadcast media

L.3.4.a Critique accuracy and intent of media presentation

L.5.4.a Identify strategies presented by the media to present information for various purposes, such as perform, entertain or persuade

L.6.4.b Differentiate  fact and opinion on topics or issues presented by broadcast media

Integrate listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing skills for multiple purposes in varied contexts.

5. Employ multiple strategies to construct meaning while reading, listening to, viewing, or creating texts.

Content Standard 4
All students will use the English language effectively.

HS 4. Demonstrate
ways in which communication can be influenced through word usage. Examples include
propaganda, irony, parody and satire.

Content Standard 7
All students will demonstrate, analyze, and reflect upon the skills and processes used to communicate through listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing.

Content Standard 12
All students will develop and apply personal, shared and academic criteria for the enjoyment, appreciation, and evaluation of their own and others’ oral, written and visual texts.
HIGH SCHOOL 1. Apply sets of standards for individual use according to the purpose of the communication context. An example is comparing and contrasting standards in the evaluation of a popular movie, television program, article or presentation on the same topic.

Social Studies


3.5 Other Actors in the Policy Process

Describe the roles of political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals in determining and shaping public policy.

3.5.1 Explain how political parties, interest groups, the media, and individuals can influence and determine the public agenda.

3.5.6 Explain the role of television, radio, the press, and the Internet in political communication.

3.5.7 In making a decision on a public issue, analyze various forms of political communication (e.g., political cartoons, campaign advertisements, political speeches, and blogs) using criteria like logical validity, factual accuracy

Standard V.I
Information Processing
All students will acquire information from books, maps, newspapers, data sets, and other sources, organize and present the information in maps, graphs, charts, and time lines, interpret the meaning and significance of information, and use a variety of electronic technologies to assist in accessing and managing information.

The ability to acquire information from books, maps, newspapers, data sets, and other sources, skill in organizing and presenting information in maps, graphs, charts, time lines, and the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of data all continue to be vital skills. In addition, technology has become a critical part of the information age. Students must have experiences in using computers, media, and telecommunication technology to access and process information.

Health (2006)

Standard 4. Influences

All students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, and technology on health.

1.9 Analyze the influence of television, computer, and video games on physical activity.

2.5 Evaluate environmental and social factors, especially advertising strategies, which may influence  young people to use alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

5.13 Analyze the influence of media on selection of personal health care products.

5.3 Locate resources in one’s school and community, and on the Internet, related to personal health issues and concerns; and assess the validity of the resources.

6.4 Describe sources of accurate information and assistance in one’s community.


Copyright 2000 Frank W. Baker